

Eyeliner draws attention to the eyes and enhances the shape giving them more definition and impact. 

What is Eyeliner Tattoo?

Eyeliner Tattoo is a semi-permanent cosmetic procedure where ink is deposited along the lash line with a pen like machine to define the eyes and enhance the shape. The shape and thickness is customized for each client based on their preferences and eye shape.

What is the difference between winged eyeliner and lash enhancement?

Winged eyeliner has a wing that extends past the outside corner of the eye. Lash enhancement has no wing and pigment is placed only long the upper lash line. The shape of the wing and thickness along the lash line is customized to each client's personal preferences.

How often do I need to return for touch ups?

Eyeliner tattoo can last for up to 5 years. Touch up time frames vary as the longevity of your eyeliner tattoo depends on factors such as: skin type, sun exposure, and personal care products.


Touch ups are recommended between 1.5-2.5 years to keep the colour and shape looking sharp. 

Am I a good candidate for semi-permanent eyeliner procedure?

Eyeliner tattoo is a safe and reliable procedure and suitable for most people. However, if you have any of the following conditions, please consult with your doctor before attempting this procedure and bring a doctor's note with you to your appointment. If you have any of the following conditions and do not have a legitimate doctor's note with approval, we cannot perform this procedure for you.

  • COVID-19 positive or have been in contact with someone who has been tested positive
  • You are feeling unwell with a flu or cold like symptoms
  • Under the age of 18
  • Pregnant or nursing
  • Uncontrolled Diabetes
  • Bleeding disorders (hemophilia) or have trouble clotting
  • Undergoing chemotherapy or have skin cancer
  • On-going viral infections and/or diseases
  • Epilepsy
  • A pace maker or major heart problems
  • Had a organ, knee or hip transplant
  • Skin irritations or Psoriasis near the treated area (i.e. rashes, sunburn, acne, open wounds, lesions etc.)
  • Skin allergies/sensitivities to tattoo ink, make up, hair dye, numbing creams
  • You consistently suffer from eye infections 
  • You have any on-going eye conditions (i.e. cataracts, glaucoma, etc.)
  • You recently had eye lid surgery or procedures completed in/near the eye area
  • History of keloid or hypertrophic scarring
  • Have used Accutane (isotretinion) within the past 12 months

If any of the conditions above apply to you, please consult with your doctor before booking an appointment and bring a doctor's note with you to your appointment. If you are unsure whether or not you are a good candidate, feel free to get in touch by emailing Info@reanbrowshop.com.

How long does the procedure take?

The first session is approximately 3-4 hours. The touch up takes approximately 2-3 hours. We begin with a consultation about the desired shape and color, followed by numbing of the eye area and eyeliner design. Once the area is numb and design is approved we begin the procedure.

Does the procedure hurt?

A topical anesthetic is used to numb the lash line area prior and throughout the procedure to help keep you comfortable. Pain level varies from 0-5 out of 10, with 10 being the most painful.


Please Note: You may experience increased sensitivity if you get the procedure done before or while you are menstruating. If you generally have a lower pain tolerance, it is recommended that you schedule your procedure around your period.  In addition, it is important to follow the pre-procedure care instructions to help ensure optimal healed results.

Do I require a touch up?

Two sessions are recommended to achieve optimal results. A touch up session can be scheduled 5-8 weeks following the initial session.


At the touch up session we will assess how your skin accepts the initial application of colour and adjustments are made accordingly. In some cases, a 3rd session may be required to achieve the desired look and will be charged accordingly.


Healed results are not guaranteed as each person's skin and body is unique and will retain pigment differently. After care instructions are provided to achieve optimal results, but there is no guarantee made as we have no control over what happens during the healing process. Rean Brow shop always strives to achieve the best possible results, creating long lasting semi-permanent tattoo that each client will come to love for years.
How long is the healing process?

It generally takes 7-10 days for the eyeliner to heal. The colour will continue to darken over the following 4 weeks. Immediately after the procedure and during this time you are able to continue most routine activities.

What if I have an old eyeliner tattoo?
Correction work is more difficult to work over due to the presence of old pigment and scar tissue, therefore not all old tattoos can be corrected.
Prior to booking, please send CLEAR photos of your eyeliner with a brief explanation of what you like, dislike or want to achieve (straight on and from the sides) to Info@reanbrowshop.com to ensure that I am able to to work on them.

Please Note: If you have a previous eyeliner tattoo you may require a 3rd session in order to achieve the desired eyeliner results.

What should I do to prepare for my eyeliner procedure?

Not adhering to the pre-care instructions may impact the healed results.


  • No alcohol consumption or marijuana use 24 hours before your procedure.
  • Avoid caffeine the day of the procedure.
  • Avoid extreme sun exposure and tanning 3 weeks prior to procedure.
  • Do not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E or Advil/Ibuprofen 24 hours before procedure. Tylenol is okay.
  • No eyelash perm and tinting 4 weeks prior to the procedure.
  • Eyelash extensions must be removed prior to the procedure.
  • Must be off Accutane (Isotrentonin) for a minimum of 12 months. 
  • Discontinue the use of exfoliating products around the eye area 2 weeks prior to your procedure.
  • Discontinue the use of lash enhancing products such as latisse and eye envy 4 weeks prior to your procedure.
  • No Botox around the eye area 3 weeks prior.
  • If you wear contacts, please bring contacts container, contact solution, and glasses to your appointment.
  • Please Note: You will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle.
How do I take care of my eyeliner tattoo after the procedure?

Please follow the instructions below to ensure proper healing from the procedure. Not adhering to the post care instructions may impact the healed results.


Healing takes approximately 7-10 days.


Day 1: Some swelling, redness, and stinging is normal.

  • To reduce the swelling you can ice the eye area with soft gel ice packs and place it on the eye area as needed.
  • Light water contact is okay 5 hours after the procedure. With clean hands splash cool water on the eye area and lightly pat dry (no rubbing).
  • For the remainder of the healing time, keep the area dry and clean. Do not let water beat your face or submerge your face in water.

Day 1-3: Swelling, redness, slight tenderness, and stinging sensation is normal and will improve with each day.

  • To help reduce swelling exercise the eyes by blinking.
  • The eyeliner will start to form scabs and they might look dark and thick.
  • Flaking and crusting on the eyes may occur. You can lightly wipe it away with a damp cotton pad.

Day 4-10: Slight itchiness, flaking, and crusting may occur on the eye area.

  • As the skin heals, the scabs will fall off in random pieces throughout the eyeliner and will look patchy. Let the scabs fall off on their own.
  • If there is a lash attached to the scab press water on the scab till it is soft and gently slide it off the lash.

Please Note:

    • Avoid cleansing products and moisturizers around the eyes.
    • Avoid any hot sweaty or wet activities.
    • No eye make up is allowed until the scabbing is completely peeled off.
    • The colour may fade approximately 30-50% lighter once all the scabs fall off. This is normal as colour retention varies according to skin type and condition.
    • To achieve the desired eyeliner, we need to evaluate how your skin accepts the initial application. The touch up appointment is where we will perfect the shape and colour.
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