

Beautiful balanced eyebrows frame the eyes and highlight our best features. Here at Rean Brow Shop we design each brow according to your unique features and personal preferences for a long lasting look that you will love for years to come. 

What is Nano Brows?

The nano brow technique is an advanced form of microblading, a semi-permanent makeup procedure for eyebrows. It involves using machine pen to create extremely fine, hair-like strokes in the eyebrow area, resulting in a natural and realistic appearance that mimics natural eyebrow hairs. It is suitable for all skin types.

What is Microblading?

Microblading is a form of semi-permanent makeup which uses a manual hand tool with blade attached to the end to implant pigmented strokes into the skin to mimic brow hairs. Microblading is best suited on someone who desires a ultra natural look and has dry/normal skin type with a decent amount of natural brow hairs.

What is Ombre Powder Ombré?

Powder Ombre is created using a mechanized pen machine. Soft layers of color are deposited into the skin until the desired depth and color are achieved. The front of the brows are softly faded and gradually darken towards the tail. Ombre heals into a powdered make up look; you can achieve a very soft and natural look or bold and well-defined shape depending on your  preferences. This technique lasts the longest and is best suited for anyone that desires a powdered brow look. It is the most ideal option if you have oily skin type and minimal/no brow hair.

What are Combination brows?

Combination brows are created utilizing both the microblading/nano strokes and ombre shading technique. Based off the clients hair growth, we determine where the microblading hair strokes should be placed and then ombre shading is applied to areas which lack hair growth and require more density or depth to create a more balanced even brow. Combination technique is best suited for clients who like the microblading technique but does not have enough natural hair to blend. It is suitable on most skin types but if you have very oily skin, ombre powder may be a better option. 

Am I good candidate for semi-permanent brow tattoo?

Semi-permanent brow tattoo is a safe and reliable procedure and suitable for most people. However, if you have any of the following conditions we cannot preform this procedure for you.

  • COVID-19 positive or have been in contact with someone who has been tested positive
  • You are feeling unwell with a flu or cold like symptoms
  • Under the age of 18
  • Pregnant or nursing
  • Uncontrolled Diabetes
  • Bleeding disorders (hemophilia) or have trouble clotting
  • Undergoing chemotherapy or have skin cancer
  • On-going viral infections and/or diseases
  • Epilepsy
  • A pace maker or major heart problems
  • Had a organ, knee or hip transplant
  • Skin irritations or Psoriasis near the treated area (i.e. rashes, sunburn, acne, open wounds, lesions etc.)
  • Skin allergies/sensitivities to tattoo ink, make up, hair dye, numbing creams
  • History of keloid or hypertrophic scarring
  • Have used Accutane (isotretinion) within the past 12 months

If any of the conditions above apply to you, please consult with your doctor before booking an appointment and bring a doctor's note with you to your appointment. If you are unsure whether or not you are a good candidate, feel free to get in touch by emailing Info@reanbrowshop.com.

Can I choose the shape and color of my brows?

Yes, absolutely. Our skilled technicians will work with you to choose a shape and color that complements your facial features and matches your desired look. They will consider factors such as your face shape, skin tone, and personal preferences to create customized brows suitable for you.

How long does it last and how often will I require a touch up?

The longevity of cosmetic brow tattooing varies from person to person, but it typically lasts between one to three years. Factors such as skin type, lifestyle, and aftercare can affect the duration of the tattoo. ]

Touch ups are recommended every 12-24 months to maintain the color and shape. A touch up may be required sooner for oily-skinned clients, those who tan often, or are exposed to certain chemicals (i.e. facial peels, chlorine, and anti-aging products).

How long is the brow tattoo session?

The 1st session is approximately 3 hours. The following touch up session is approximately 2 hours. We begin with a consultation about the desired shape and color, followed by numbing of the brow area and brow design. Once the area is numb and the design is approved we begin the procedure.

Does the procedure hurt?

Pain tolerance varies among individuals. However, most people report mild discomfort rather than pain during the procedure. Topical numbing creams are applied before the treatment to minimize any discomfort.  Most clients feel no pain and some experience minimal discomfort similar to the sensation of threading or plucking. 


Please Note: you may experience increased sensitivity if you get the procedure done before or while you are menstruating. If you generally have a lower pain tolerance, it is recommended that you schedule your procedure around your period.  In addition, it is important to follow the pre-procedure care instructions to help ensure optimal healed results.

How long does it take to heal?

The initial healing period usually takes about 1 to 2 weeks. During this time, the brows may appear darker and bolder before gradually fading to a more natural shade. Complete healing, including the settling of the color, takes about 4 to 6 weeks. The touch up is recommended after 5 weeks from the initial appointment.

Do I require a touch up?

Two sessions are recommended to achieve optimal results. A touch up session can be scheduled 5-8 weeks following the initial session.


At the touch up session we will assess how your skin accepts the initial application of colour and adjustments are made accordingly.  In some cases, a 3rd session may be required to achieve the desired look and will be charged accordingly.


Healed result's are not guaranteed as each persons skin and body is unique and will retain pigment differently. After care instructions are provided to achieve optimal results, but there is no guarantee made as we have no control over what happens during the healing process. Rean Brow shop always strives to achieve the best possible results, creating a long lasting semi-permanent tattoo that each client will come to love for years.
What if I have a pre-existing brow tattoo?
If you have a pre-existing tattoo, it would be considered a Correction Brow Appointment. Correction work is more difficult to work on due to the presence of old pigment and scar tissue, therefore not all old tattoos can be corrected.
Prior to booking, please send CLEAR photos of your brows with a brief explanation of what you like, dislike or want to achieve (straight on and from the sides) to Info@reanbrowshop.com to ensure that we are able to to work on them.

Please Note: If you have a previous brow tattoo you may require a 3rd session in order to achieve the desired brow results.

What should I do to prepare for my brow procedure?

Please follow the instructions below for optimal healed results. 


• Do not work out the day of the procedure.
• No excessive alcohol consumption 24 hours before your procedure.
• Avoid prolonged sun exposure and tanning 3 weeks prior to procedure.
• Do not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E or Advil/Ibuprofen 24 hours before the procedure. Tylenol is okay.
• Avoid caffeine the day of the procedure.

• Discontinue Retin-A and any chemical exfoliating products one week prior to the procedure.
• No Botox around the brow area 2 weeks prior.
• Avoid brow tinting, chemical peels, laser treatments and microdermabrasion 3 weeks prior.

• Please Note: You will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle.

How should I care for my brow tattoo after the procedure?

Please follow the instructions below to ensure proper healing from the procedure. Not adhering to the post-care instructions may impact the healed results.


Day 1: Wash the brow area on its own with a gentle cleanser and pat dry when done (no rubbing).

Day 2-14: Once a day lightly wipe or pat the brows with a damp cotton pad or cotton ball to clean the area of debris, facial oils and make-up. 

    • For the duration of the healing:
    • Avoid excessive water exposure on the brows.
    • No make-up application on the brows.
    • No sun tanning, swimming, sauna, hot yoga or excessive sweating.
    • No soap, moisturizer, make-up, creams or sunscreen on the brow area.
    • Do not rub or pick at the dry flaky skin and scab.
    • Day 4 onwards: Only if the brows feel very itchy or dry and/or flaky you can apply a thin layer of coconut oil, grape seed oil or vitamin E. Maximum application is no more than 2x a day.

It is very important that you do not get the brow area wet for the next 1-14 days as it heals. A minor splash of water is fine, but prolonged exposure to water is not. If they accidentally get wet do not rub the brows to dry them, please gently pat dry.


What you will notice in the next 1-14 days:

  • Swelling and redness is normal for the first 1-3 days and should improve with time. To relieve the swelling, you can ice the area with soft gel ice packs.
  • Slight tender sensation in the first few days is normal. The tattooed area will start to form scabs and they will look 2-3 shades darker and thicker.
  • Around day 4-7, as the skin heals the scabs will begin to fall off in random pieces throughout the brow and will look patchy throughout the week. Flaking and crusting of the skin may occur.
  • Please be patient with this process.  When the scab first falls off the colour will lighten approximately 30-50%. This is completely normal. Do not feel discouraged if the fading is more than you expected. The colour will darken in the following 2-3 weeks and will be fully developed in week 5. At this point the colour will not change anymore. Any adjustments can be made at the touch up session. 
What is Brow lamination?

Brow lamination is a cosmetic procedure designed to create fuller, thicker, and more defined eyebrows. It involves the use of a chemical solution to temporarily straighten and set eyebrow hairs in a desired shape, making them appear more groomed and voluminous. It can last anywhere from 4-8 weeks.

What is Brow tinting?
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