
Lip Blush & Neutralization

What is the difference between lip blush and lip neutralization?

Lip Blush: Lip blush is a cosmetic procedure designed to enhance the natural color and shape of the lips. During lip blush, a semi-permanent pigment is tattooed into the lips, creating a soft and subtle tint. This technique is often used to add definition, correct asymmetry, and provide a youthful flush of color to the lips. Lip blush results in a natural, "just-bitten" appearance and is popular among individuals seeking a subtle enhancement of their lips without the look of traditional lipstick.


Lip Neutralization: Lip neutralization, on the other hand, is a more intensive procedure used to correct or balance the natural color of the lips. Some individuals may have lips with uneven pigmentation, where parts of the lips are darker or have a different color than the rest. Lip neutralization involves using specialized pigments to neutralize the existing lip color, creating a more uniform base before any further enhancement, such as lip blush or full lip color, is applied. 


Key Differences:

  1. Purpose: Lip blush aims to enhance the lips by adding a subtle and natural tint, while lip neutralization focuses on correcting uneven pigmentation and creating a uniform base color.

  2. Intensity: Lip blush results in a soft and natural flush of color, resembling a subtle lipstick application. Lip neutralization may involve the use of pigments with specific undertones to neutralize existing lip colors, which can be darker or uneven in appearance.

  3. Technique: Lip blush involves the application of pigment across the lips to enhance their natural appearance. Lip neutralization requires a more precise approach, targeting specific areas of uneven pigmentation to balance the overall lip color.

  4. Outcome: Lip blush results in a naturally enhanced lip color, adding a touch of vibrancy. Lip neutralization aims to create a consistent base color, which can then be further enhanced with techniques like lip blush or full lip color if desired.

Both procedures are performed by skilled technicians using specialized techniques and pigments tailored to the individual's skin tone and desired outcome. The choice between lip blush and lip neutralization depends on the client's goals and the specific concerns they want to address regarding their lip color and appearance.

How do I choose the right lip color for my skin tone?

Our skilled technician will assess your skin tone and help you choose a lip color that complements your complexion. They will consider factors like your undertones and personal preferences to create a customized and flattering lip shade. Your welcome to bring your favourite lip products to show your technician your preferences. 

What happens during my lip appointment?

The 1st session is approximately 3 hours. The following touch up session is approximately 2 hours. We begin with a consultation about the desired shape and color, followed by numbing of the lip area and lip shape design. Once the area is numb and the design is approved we begin the procedure.

How much can we change the shape of the lips?

When performing lip tattooing, we can only work within the natural lip tissue. Unlike facial skin, the lip tissue has its own texture, elasticity, and way of accepting pigment. Lip tissue and facial skin respond differently to pigments. If the tattoo extends over 1 millimeter beyond the natural lip boundary, the results can be unpredictable and appear unnatural. Your technician will do their best to achieve the desired shape within your natural lip boundaries. 

How long does lip blush last?

Lip blush typically lasts around 1 to 3 years, depending on factors like skin type, lifestyle, and aftercare.

Can I choose the color of my lip blush?

Yes, you will work with the technician to choose a custom color that suits your preferences and complements your skin tone.

Is lip blushing/neutralization painful?

A topical anesthetic is used to numb the lip area prior and throughout the procedure to help keep you comfortable. As each person's pain tolerance varies, pain level generally varies from 0 - 3 out of 10. Most clients feel no pain and some experience minimal discomfort. 


Please Note: you may experience increased sensitivity if you get the procedure done before or while you are menstruating. If you generally have a lower pain tolerance, it is recommended that you schedule your procedure around your period.  In addition, it is important to follow the pre-procedure care instructions to help ensure optimal healed results.

How long is the recovery time after lip blush?

Both lip blush and lip neutralization procedures generally have no downtime, meaning you can resume your regular activities immediately after. However, it's common to experience mild swelling and sensitivity in the first 24 hours. During this time, your lips might appear darker than the desired color. Complete healing usually occurs within 3-7 days, during which the color will soften and look more natural. After this initial healing process you can resume your regular activities with no restriction. It will take a full 6-12 weeks for the full color to develop. 

What if I have a pre-existing lip tattoo?
If you have a pre-existing tattoo, it would be considered a Lip Correction Appointment. Correction work is more difficult to work on due to the presence of old pigment and scar tissue, therefore not all old tattoos can be corrected.
Prior to booking, please send CLEAR photos of your brows with a brief explanation of what you like, dislike or want to achieve (straight on and from the sides) to info@reanbrowshop.com to ensure that we are able to to work on them.

Please Note: If you have a previous brow tattoo you may require a 3rd session in order to achieve the desired brow results.

How do I prepare for my lip procedure?

It's important to follow the instructions for optimal healing and results:



  • Anti-Virals: If you've had cold sores even once, it's crucial to take antiviral medication (like Valtrex) 2-3 days before and 3-5 days after your lip tattoo. Cold sores are caused by the dormant herpes virus in your system, and any lip injury can trigger an outbreak. While Lip Blush itself doesn't cause cold sores, the procedure can lead to sores due to lip tissue injury. Getting prescribed antiviral medication is vital, and you need to plan and obtain it from your doctor before your appointment since tattoo artists cannot provide prescriptions. This applies to all your lip sessions.


  • Lip Prep: Exfoliate your lips 3 days before your appointment to remove dry skin. Also, moisturize your lips as much as possible the week before your appointment, as your dry lip skin will affect the color deposit and retention.


  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water daily 8-10 cups to help plump and keep the lip skin moist. Avoid lipstick 72 hours before (they dry lips). Use hydrating lip balm like Aquaphor. 


  • Do not consume caffeine and alcohol for 24 hours prior to your appointment to prevent excessive pain and bleeding. This will also minimize swelling during the procedure.
  • Do not take blood thinners such as Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E and/or Ibuprofen unless medically necessary, 48-72 hrs prior to your procedure. Extra strength Tylenol can be taken if you have low pain tolerance
  • Avoid exercising on the day of the procedure.
  • Avoid direct sun tanning one week prior to your procedure.
  • Do not use retinol near your lips one week prior to your procedure. 
  • Do not get chemical peels, microdermabrasion, or laser skin resurfacing at least 4 weeks before your appointment.
  • Do not get lip injections 6 weeks before and after this treatment.
Do I require a touch up?

For lip blush two sessions are recommended to achieve optimal results. A touch up session can be scheduled 8-12weeks weeks following the initial session. At the touch up session we will assess how your skin accepts the initial application of colour and adjustments are made accordingly.  In some cases, a 3rd session may be required to achieve the desired look and will be charged accordingly.


The number of sessions required for lip neutralization can vary depending on several factors, including the individual's natural lip color, the desired outcome, and aftercare. You can expect anywhere from 2-5 sessions. 


Healed result's are not guaranteed as it is highly dependant on each persons natural skin and adhering to the recommended aftercare. Rean Brow shop will work with you toachieve the best possible results, creating a long lasting semi-permanent tattoo that each client will come to love for years.
Can I wear lipstick or lip balm after getting lip blush?

After care instructions along with a designated lip balm will be provided for the duration of healing. (typically 3-7 days) You can resume your regular lip products once the scabbing process is complete.

If I had lip fillers before can I get my lips tattooed?

Yes! Lip fillers provide volume, while Lip Blush offers definition, color, and a subtle, naturally enhanced appearance by maximizing your natural lip tissue. Combining the two creates the ultimate lip enhancement. Some clients no longer feel the need for as much lip fillers after getting Lip Blush, as it addresses issues like lack of shape definition effectively.


It is imperative that any lip filler treatment be conducted no sooner than 6 weeks prior to, as well as following, the lip blush procedure.

What is the aftercare following my lip procedure?

Day 1

Immediately following the procedure, lips will feel dry, chapped, tight and tender to the touch. They may appear swollen and bright in color. Sometimes the lips can bruise even after the procedure, do not worry, the bruising will go away.

Always wash your hands before touching your lips. For 4 hours after treatment, apply light pressure on lips with a clean paper towel or tissue, to remove any lymph. After 4 hours, start applying the ointment provided as needed to keep lips constantly moist with a clean q tip.


Day 1-3

  • Apply ointment on lips several times a day. Keep lips moist at all times.
  • Avoid oily, spicy and heavily seasoned food and drink with a straw.
  • After every meal gently rinse and clean lips with water and pat dry, then re-apply ointment. Avoid opening the mouth wide and stretching the lips.
  • If your lips get wet when doing routine maintenance gently tap dry with tissue. (never touch with towels)
  • Apply a light layer of ointment provided before and after brushing teeth. Use a minimal amount of toothpaste and use a straw to swish water.
  • During the first 2 days, you may clean, disposable cold packs on your lips as needed to reduce swelling.


DAY 3-7

Between these days, lips will begin and end the process of peeling, and color will lighten by 30%-50%.

Do not pick or rub your lips and let the peeling happen naturally. Continue keeping your lips moist.



Lips are done peeling, color is light. You may return to normal routines. Lips will continue to heal, up to 8-12 weeks. Every week more color will surface, it is important to continue keeping lips moist to get the best color at the end of the healing phase.


The following must be avoided during all 7 days and/or until all scabs have fallen off post treatment:

  • Increased sweating
  • Practicing sports
  • Swimming
  • Hot sauna, hot bath, or Jacuzzi
  • Sun tanning or salon tanning
  • Exposure to UV/UVA Rays or chemicals as they have been known to cause a shift in color and premature fading
  • Any laser or chemical treatments or peelings, and/or any creams containing Retin-A or Glycolic acid on the treatment area
  • Touching of the treatment area except for when applying the post-care ointment with a cotton swab
  • Picking, peeling, or scratching of the treatment area in order to avoid scarring of the area or removal of the pigment
  • Performing tasks related to heavy household cleaning such as garage or basement cleaning where there is a lot of airborne debris
  • Drinking alcohol in excess, as it may lead to slow healing of wounds
  • Driving in open air vehicles such as convertibles, boats, bicycles, or motorcycles
  • Drinking alcohol in excess, as it may lead to slow healing of wounds
  • No smoking, vaping, kissing, rubbing or friction on the lips
  • No applying make up on or near the lip tattoo
What can I expect for long term care of my lip blush or neutralization?
  • Refrain from smoking, using e-cigarettes, and marijuana, as the heat from these products can impact the color of your lip tattoo.
  • Use sunscreen on your lips daily. Sun exposure will gradually fade your lip tattoo.
  • Keep your lips hydrated to help with the longevitiy of your lip color.
  • If you have any laser or facial beauty treatments, please inform your technician before procedures that you have a permanent makeup tattoo.
  • Avoid applying these products directly to your lip area: Benzoyl Peroxide, Hydrogen Peroxide, Glycolic acid, Apple cider vinegar, Vitamin E and C, and Retinol. These products can cause your tattoo to lighten or fade more quickly.
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